Sunday, September 2, 2007

National Day Eve

Picture take the next morning, can u imagine how beautiful it is at night?

I have not been in the country for the past few years during National Day…

This year, I had a very special National Day eve and I will always cherish this day. Know what? I was on the 42nd floor of a hotel apartment overlooking the beautiful night scenery of the city centre, the Twins Tower and the KL Tower. The night view was truly amazingly beautiful.

It was a very tiring day for me…For the first time I drove from Penang to Kuala Lumpur which took me about five hours. I had a meeting in Putrajaya for three hours and I almost fell asleep. Then it took another hour plus to reach KL city centre...I was exhausted!

I was treated to a nice steak and red wine for my dinner. Occasionally, I like to have a drink when I am so tired so that I can sleep deeply. I enjoyed the feeling that everything seemed to slow down…the thoughts, the movement…

I could vaguely hear the sounds of fireworks at midnight and opened my eyes to watch…Oh Malaysia, I love you and your people and good nite!

The room certainly doesn’t belong to me and I doubt I will know who will be staying here after I have left. However, it will always be a memorable night for me, the first time I slept on a bed so high in the sky!

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