Monday, September 24, 2007

My Blogs

I went back home two weeks ago. Before I left home for the airport, my mum suddenly hugged me and told me that she loved me very much. I was a little shocked, because she is a traditional Chinese woman, and in the past, it was always me, who was once a wayward daughter in her eyes, that would do this to her.

I have been away from home since high school...that was a very long time ago. Over the years, I called and went back home regularly but I hardly told my mum about my personal life, especially the lows and bad days. I do not want her to worry and besides, I am not used to sharing about my personal life and inner most feelings to others. She is normally the last to know…after the problem has already passed and when I could tell like telling someone else’s stories.

That somehow made her feel sad and sorry that I went through everything alone and that she could do nothing about it. The more loveable I am, the more distressed she is that I work so hard and I am still alone. For her, the real happiness for a woman and for her dear daughter is to have a decent and caring husband and lovely kids around.

Her sentiment made me feel sorry too, sorry for not talking and sharing enough with her and not doing enough to make her understand me a little more.

Well, I can’t change overnight and I am still not good at telling....I have been hesitating about creating a personal blog for some time and now I decided to do it. (Only hope that time allows and I can persist! ) For my mum, brothers and sisters, the princes and princesses (my nieces and nephews) who adore and admire me so much and are inquisitive about my traveling experience and interesting encounters... hope they can know a little more about me and my life through this blog.

Some of the princes and princesses

Likewise, as time passes and before my memory varnishes, I wish to recollect and record down the people, wonderful places, interesting experiences, beautiful moments, my thoughts and true feelings etc. in my life. I am also learning to be a little more open and feel more comfortable to share deeper feelings. Last but not least, I want to practice and improve my English!

If you are lucky enough to discover my blog, I hope you enjoy the reading journey!

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Surgical Correction for My Little Toes

About to inject local anesthesia

My mum used to say I have very lady-like beautiful small feet, not too wide and not too skinny, nice looking when wearing high-heeled shoes. (My mum has wide feet and so do my sisters.) Of course, that was when I was younger. After so many years and after going through so many ups and downs in the walks of life, my feet were no more beautiful.

I walk a lot, like to walk and have to walk a lot. For protection of toes and for comfort, under my long pants are usually a pair of men-style closed leather shoes (which have wider vamps) for ladies. I hardly wear dress shoes with closed vamps unless necessary because lady shoes usually have narrow closings which can cause pain, corns or hammertoes. I like wearing open toe dress shoes or lady sandals. To avoid widening of the space between the big toe and the second toe, I don’t wear flip-flops (Japanese sandals). I also apply lotion and foot shrub regularly to prevent cracks which are eyesores when wearing lady sandals. In short, I love my feet and do my best to take care of them and they have not given me any big troubles.

Despite all of my care and effort, my little toes have been bothering me for the last two weeks. Both of my little toes grew prolonged nails which caused me pain, especially when wearing high-heeled shoes. I thought it was just very minor problems and could easily do away with it by cutting off the “extra nail” but I was wrong and the pain continued.

To solve the problem once and for all, I decided to go for surgical correction in Betong Hospital . The doctor who treated me was Dr. Sukree who has been transferred to Betong from Bangkok for three months. The friendly and professional attitude of the doctor and nurses eased my worry. Nevertheless, it was really painful when injecting the local anesthesia into my already painful little toes, I nearly cried.

Surgical correction in progress

It was just a minor surgical procedure and the whole process took no more than half an hour. After they were finished with me, and with the permission of the doctor and the next patient, I was allowed to stay and watch the surgical procedure of cutting off the hard core on the toe using laser. There was smoke and burning smell while cutting. I was eager and at the same time, scared to see. As usual, I covered my mouth with hands for the whole course. …

I am forced to wear Japanese sandals for a week. They make me look funny and they are inconvenient. Well, it is just one week and then I can fly…yeah!!

Sunday, September 2, 2007

National Day Eve

Picture take the next morning, can u imagine how beautiful it is at night?

I have not been in the country for the past few years during National Day…

This year, I had a very special National Day eve and I will always cherish this day. Know what? I was on the 42nd floor of a hotel apartment overlooking the beautiful night scenery of the city centre, the Twins Tower and the KL Tower. The night view was truly amazingly beautiful.

It was a very tiring day for me…For the first time I drove from Penang to Kuala Lumpur which took me about five hours. I had a meeting in Putrajaya for three hours and I almost fell asleep. Then it took another hour plus to reach KL city centre...I was exhausted!

I was treated to a nice steak and red wine for my dinner. Occasionally, I like to have a drink when I am so tired so that I can sleep deeply. I enjoyed the feeling that everything seemed to slow down…the thoughts, the movement…

I could vaguely hear the sounds of fireworks at midnight and opened my eyes to watch…Oh Malaysia, I love you and your people and good nite!

The room certainly doesn’t belong to me and I doubt I will know who will be staying here after I have left. However, it will always be a memorable night for me, the first time I slept on a bed so high in the sky!